
Contactless Menus Are Safer

Traditional menus are often touched by multiple diners at the same party. Besides, they are reused by multiple groups of diners and are also handled by restaurant staff. Thanks to the digital contactless menus because they eliminate the requirement of traditional menus. Diners can simply scan the QR code to access the menu. If required, restaurant staff can also change the QR code flyer between parties. Digital contactless menus provide a safe dining experience and substantially lowers the risk of COVID transmission.

Contactless Menus Are Safer Img
Faster Table Turnover Img

Faster Table Turnover

The need to sanitise or change menus between table turnover is eliminated, translating into less work for the staff and a better-sanitised environment for diners.

Lower Costs

As all menus are in digital form, it saves restaurateurs money on printing and design services. Besides, it reduces the burden to collect orders manually, thereby helping to curtail staff.

Lower Costs Img
Better Access to Customer Data Img

Better Access to Customer Data

With the help of digital menus, restaurant managers can monitor customers interaction with their menu in real-time, rendering unmatched data for owners. Besides, digital menus capture user data – for example, restaurant managers can know what items are popular or in high demand etc.

Easy to Update & Change Menus

Restaurant staff can update their menu online by simply clicking the edit option and changing or adding new items to the menu, which automatically gets updated across the QR codes. Thanks to the digital QR-code menus, now restaurant managers and owners can easily test out new menu items, make minor changes to a menu or change branding without the need of printing, laminating, picking up and distributing menus, as was the case with traditional menus.

Easy to Update & Change Menus Img
Better Order Analytics Img

Better Order Analytics

Eisuchi gains control over order delivery time. Order analytics can help in identifying both the performance of the team and shortcomings in the process. Restaurant managers can use this data to improve performance. It provides real-time data about the order delivery, assisting in faster order delivery.

Integrates with Existing
Restaurant Software Systems

Contactless QR-code menu apps incorporate current online ordering systems, restaurant POS systems, waitlist apps, and more. It translates into better data and insights for restaurant owners and an improved user experience for restaurant diners.

Integrates with Existing Restaurant Software Systems Img
Room Service Ordering Img

Room Service Ordering

No printed menu is needed; customers can use our contactless digital menu in-room service. Guests can use their smartphone/ mobile to access the room service menu.